We are open Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm. We are closed major holidays
170 S. Olive Street, Orange, CA 92866 | (714) 538-9633
About Orange Senior Center
The Orange Senior Center is a focal point in the City of Orange for programs designed for older adults. Our mission is dedicated to promoting healthy and active lifestyles for adults 50 and better through quality programs and services. We also stand as a foundation for older adults to live their lives with independence and dignity for as long as possible in their own homes. Center programs include education, health screenings, exercise and wellness programs, travel, social activities, computer training, nutritionally balanced congregate senior lunch program. We also offer an outstanding volunteer program. These dedicated volunteers deliver meals to over 60+ meals each day to the homebound elderly in the Orange community. Our homebound health services support homebound senior citizens.
Orange Elderly Services, Inc., a nonprofit organization with over 35 years of experience serving older adults, operates the Orange Senior Center. The center is located southeast of the Orange Circle.
Not only does the center assist you in your everyday life, it also sets as a background for new friendships to begin and existing ones to flourish!
Why the Orange Senior Center is a Vital Resource
It offers innumerable opportunities for regular social interaction making seniors less vulnerable to depression, isolation and loneliness
It is a special place where community is found and friendships are formed
It provides opportunities for lifelong learning and education
It helps maintain independence
Involvement in programs and services such as those offered by the Senior Center are known to delay the progress of disabilities and institutionalization.
None at this time.
"Come and join the fun, friendships, games and dancing, the more the merrier!." - Celia
Our Mission
Our mission is dedicated to
promoting healthy and active lifestyles for adults 50 and better through
quality programs and services.
"This place make feel like I'm a part of the Community."
- Jackie

Our Vision
Dedicated to promoting healthy and active lifestyles for adults 50 and better through quality programs and services.
"This is my Home away from Home!."
- Diane